SAD light boxes are non-invasive treatment that brings relief to thousands who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. The light therapy boxes or
lamps come in a variety of configurations; however all require specific types of SAD light bulbs in order to fully function. There are many
alternatives available online and here are a few options for consideration when it comes time to replace bulbs or purchase a system.
The Verilux HappyLite Mini Sunshine Supplement Light is a relatively inexpensive model designed to
provide tabletop natural spectrum daylight. It uses 36W SAD light bulbs that are rated for 10,000 hours of use. The light provides 5000 lux light
intensity which is half of the 10,000 lux generally recommended to treat SAD symptoms. At just about $90.00, it is a good choice for a supplemental reading
Philips Energy offers the goLITE BLU Energy light which is a portable device designed to provide light
therapy using blue LED lights. Blue lights are reputed to be very safe and effective and use lower intensity than other light therapy devices.
This model uses a low intensity blue light of 470 nm. A more costly alternative, this lamp is priced at about $250.
Verilux Full Spectrum Happy Lite Deluxe is a full scale model of the lamp described previously from this
company. This model can be wall-mounted but can also be considered portable. It features the full 10,000 lux power and provides sharp visibility
for working on items like the computer, writing or reading. It uses typical SAD light bulbs and costs around $200. This manufacturer is one of the leaders in
the light therapy industry.
Taking some time to research the various SAD light bulbs and other products online helps to provide a
clearer picture of the options that are available. There are numerous products advertising various elements. The smart shopper will want to be
certain that the light box being considered meets all safety and treatment requirements.